Bungo Ju Yamashiro Daijo Fujiwara Yoshiyuki Katana + NBTHK
A breathtaking authentic Japanese Katana from Bungo Ju Yamashiro Daijo Fujiwara Yoshiyuki Katana with NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token Papers from the Kanbun period with an amazing Koshirae and excellent ko-itame blade and suguha hamon.
Bungo Ju Yamashiro Daijo Fujiwara Yoshiyuki Katana + NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token Papers
A breathtaking authentic Japanese Katana with NBTHK papers from the Kanbun period with an amazing Koshirae and excellent ko-itame blade and suguha hamon.
A real Japanese sword for the true lover of Japanese history and samurai culture.
This Japanese sword of the Fujiwara clan comes from the early Edo period, namely the Kanbun ERA (from April 1661 to September 1673). As the signature indicates, this sword comes from Bungo province, which was a province of Japan in the east of Kyūshū in Ōhita prefecture. A well-known school in this area was the Takada school. The origin of this school was in bizen, which is also the reason that this sword has an itame hada, an important characteristic of the Bizen school.
A Japanese sword made of Tamahagane with a blade in excellent condition. An elegant torii-sori or curvature of the blade. An ubu or original pliers with a mei (signature), these usually only added if they are very satisfied with the blade. An amazing ko-itame hada (layered pattern) with a lot of grain in jinie. The suguha hamon is very bright with utsuri. Utsuri is a shade of the hamon and a natural response of good differential hardening of the jigane.
Because there was still a lot of war between powerful daimyos in this period, this sword is wide and relatively robust and designed for functional use on the battlefield. A daimyo belonged to the samurai class and was a Japanese warlord.
The suguta is shinogi zukuri with 2 mekugi-ana with a nakagojiri in haagari.
I personally rarely come across a Japanese Katana with this sheath or saya. The contrasting green colors of the ito and the brown gold sageo against the matchless black Roiro Saya with painted pampas grass makes this piece truly unique. Stylishly finished with iron Kojiri.
A round maru gata tsuba with a detailed view of kiku leaves. The fuchi and kashira are in shakudo with a catfish design and river plants and algae. The menuki are also a qualitative representation of a plow with birds engraved with gold color. Apart from the sword, the koshirae are like works of art in their own right.
Nagasa : 70.2 cm
Sori :1.2 cm
Width at the hamachi : 3.12 cm
Width at the Kissaki : 1,99 cm
Kasane : 6.8 mm
Weight: 805 grams
A unique opportunity to buy a real one-off Japanese Samurai Sword. A unique and beautiful piece of history from Japan and what an honor to be able to sell this. This Nihonto deserves a place somewhere where it will be treated with honor and respect.
Apart from the fact that this is a great sword to display in your home, I can tell you with certainty that it is a good investment and will hold its value. The NBTHK has provided this sword with the necessary papers. This Nihonto is not only provided with NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token Papers but also with NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho Token. NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho Token Especially Precious (deep green paper - Particularly precious). It has long been the highest rank in the NBTHK organization.
You can read more about it here, if a katana gets a Hozon certificate, this is already exceptional
Including Oshigata. Oshigata is a drawing of the blade which records all the metallurgical activities of the blade so as to create a good picture of the unique katana.
This is an antique sword and is therefore subject to the test of time and this will be visible in some places.
Of course provided with NBTHK papers which guarantee the authenticity.
Never touch the katana with bare hands
Do not breathe in the direction of the blade
Do not rest the Katana on the kissaki
When indicating the katana do not point the point and the cut towards the indicated person
When throwing up the katana it is recommended to do this in the saya